Used Cine Lenses

Single Prime Lenses

Prime Lenses are a lifetime investment. Let’s explore some pre-owned options that won’t break the bank and still give you some amazing performance.


Prime Lenses (single lenses) ->

Prime Lenses (lens sets)

Prime Lenses are a lifetime investment. Let’s explore some pre-owned options that won’t break the bank and still give you some amazing performance.


Prime Lens Sets 1 ->

Prime Lens Sets 2 ->

Zoom Lenses

Lens Adapter & Accessories

Puhlmann Cine GmbH - Tel.: +49 8021 5046161 -


Unser Angebot richtet sich an gewerbliche Kunden, Selbständige und Freiberufler.

Our services are exclusively offered to commercial customers and not to private individuals.

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