Schaftlacher Str. 19
D-83703 Gmund a. Tegernsee
Tel.: +49 8021 5046161
business hours
Mo. - Fr.
08:30 - 18:00
24/7 helpline
+49 175 936 39 06
Puhlmann Cine specializes in products and solutions for professional filmmakers. We offer a wide range of new and used Motion Picture and Video Equipment including cameras, optics, digital media, lighting, grip and camera support.
Our customers include corporate, film school facilities, film equipment rentals, broadcast studios, TV station and production houses for entertainment, media, film and broadcast sectors. Emily and Matthias Puhlmann represents some of the finest brands and manufacturers in the industry, which are managed by established industry professionals and product specialists.
We are dedicated to provide our clientele with the highest level of support, innovative solutions and products, after all, it's nice to evolve...
Unser Angebot richtet sich an gewerbliche Kunden, Selbständige und Freiberufler. Alle Preise sind Nettopreise, zzgl. der bei Rechnungsstellung geltende gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuersatz. Alle Angaben und Preise sind freibleibend und können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert, entfernt oder ergänzt werden.
Our services are exclusively offered to commercial customers and not to private individuals. All prices are net prices plus value-added tax. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification. Errors and changes excepted.