The LMB 4x5 is a modular matte box that expands the feature-set and creative possibilities of the LMB-25,
while retaining its low introductory price and simplicity.
All clamp adapters and filter frames from the former models LMB-5, LMB-15, and LMB-25 are compatible.
KK.0015175 LMB 4x5 Clamp-On Set 3-Stage
K2.0013750 LMB 4x5 Side Flags
K2.0000069 LMB 4x5 Set of Mattes spherical
K2.0013447 LMB 4x5 Swing Away Tilt Module
O-Box WM Set - LWS 15mm includes:
Filter Frame 4x5.65" (H)
Filter Frame 4x4"
Bellows Ring (Donut) 150-114mm (threaded)
O-Box WM Studio Adapter 19mm or 15mm (REQ: O-Grips Bridge)
Top or Bottom Flag (REQ: Bottom Flag Bracket)
Top or Bottom Flag Bracket Set
O-Box WM Side Flag Bracket Set (2 Brackets)
O-Box WM Side Flag Set (2 flags) (REQ: Flag Bracket)
Clamp Ring 150mm - 143mm or 134mm
Clamp Ring 150mm - 114mm, 110mm, 95mm or 80mm
Reduction Ring 114mm - 110mm, 95mm or 80mm (REQ: Bellows Ring)
Unser Angebot richtet sich an gewerbliche Kunden, Selbständige und Freiberufler. Alle Preise sind Nettopreise, zzgl. der bei Rechnungsstellung geltende gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuersatz. Alle Angaben und Preise sind freibleibend und können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert, entfernt oder ergänzt werden.
Our services are exclusively offered to commercial customers and not to private individuals. All prices are net prices plus value-added tax. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification. Errors and changes excepted.