Mitchell-Mitchell Low-Rig 4-Way-Leveler 4016
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium, hard-anodised (in black, parts in red).
heigth: ca 85mm; weight: 3,1kg
Euro-Mitchell Low-Rig 4-Way-Leveler 4017
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium, hard-anodised (in black, parts in red).
heigth: ca 105mm; weight: 3,2kg
Mitchell-4-Way-Leveler 4011
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium, hard-anodised (in black, parts in red).
heigth: ca 50mm; weight: 1kg
Euro-Adapter 4030
Euro-Adapter one way; Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium, hard-anodised (colorless).
Euro-Adapter double 4031
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium, hard-anodised (colorless).
Mitchel Combi Niveau Head 4015
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium, hard-anodised (in black, parts in red).
heigth: ca 110mm; weight: 4,1kg
Mitchell Flat Plate 4009
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium.
Mitchell Male Adapter 4008
Made from high strength Constructal-Aluminium.
Bazooka complete set 4034
The Bazooka sets are a simple way to combine different fixtures (Euro / Mitchell / Ball-Adapters) in different lengths. The basis is the spacer set, which is available in four different lengths.
Consists of: four single sets with 4 spacers in lengths of 300mm, 200mm, 100mm and 60mm.
Mitchell to Mitchell 500 4034/500
Mitchell to Mitchell 400 4034/400
Mitchell to Mitchell 300 4034/300
Mitchell to Mitchell 200 4034/200
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Our services are exclusively offered to commercial customers and not to private individuals. All prices are net prices plus value-added tax. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification. Errors and changes excepted.