The concept of Easyrig relieves your back when filming. Transfers most of the camera weight from your shoulder to your hips.
The Easyrig portable camera support system is a cost effective aid which can be used with both film and video cameras. Ergonomically designed, the Easyrig reduces the static load on the neck and
shoulder muscles, and distributes it to other parts of the body which are more capable of handling it.
The Easyrig gives you the speed and mobility of a handheld camera, while still achieving steady shots from the shoulder, the hip or even at knee level. The powerful suspension lines will easily
accept the new lightweight digital cameras and the heavier professional Camcorders, as well as 35 mm film cameras up to 25 kg (55 lbs).
The Easyrig is ideal for news broadcasts, sport events, documentaries, commercials or many other handheld situations where stability is crucial and where the freedom to move is essential.
After filming, just fold away the Easyrig in its specially designed transport bag.
Vario devices adjustable from 5-17kg, with differently long support bars
EASY-VC582 Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kg), w. cine vest a. standard arm
EASY-VC582A Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kg), w. cine vest a. extended "A" arm +130mm
EASY-VC582B Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kg), w. cine vest a. extended "B" arm +230mm
EASY-VC5s2 Easyrig 5 Vario strong (14-25kg), w. cine vest and standard arm
EASY-VC5s2A Easyrig 5 Vario strong (14-25kg), w. cine vest a. extended "A" arm +130mm
EASY-VG582 Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kg / 11-37,5lbs), gimbal vest standard, with standard arm
EASY-VG582A Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kg / 11-37,5lbs), gimbal vest standard, with A extended arm +130mm/5in
EASY-VG582B Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kg / 11-37,5lbs), gimbal vest standard, with B extended arm +230mm/9in
EASY-VG582ST Easyrig 5 Vario (5-17kgs), w. gimbal vest and new STABIL G2 arm
EASY-VG5s2 Easyrig 5 Vario strong (14-25kg), cine vest standard with standard arm
EASY-VG5s2A Easyrig 5 Vario strong (14-25kg), cine vest standard with extended "A" arm + 130mm/5in
EASY-VG5s2ST Easyrig 5 Vario strong (14-25kg) w. gimbal vest and new STABIL G2 arm
EASY-ET000 Easyrig EasyTilt complete, fits all Gimbal systems with an outer frame
EASY-MM100 Easyrig MiniMax, complete with bag, for camera weight from 2kg up to 7kg
EASY-MF100 Easyrig MiniMax Flex, complete with bag, for camera weight from 2kg up to 7kg
Flowcine is about producing high quality accessories for professional cameramen and women. All of us have been working in film and TV production for years, and by now we have a good grip on what products are missing on the market. Stuff we wanted on set for our own productions. So we decided to start Flowcine, and put those missing products on the market.
Serene Extension Arm
Maximize your reach by adding the Extension Arm.
Puppeteer Top Handle Grip
Puppeteer grip for your gimbals top handle
Puppeteer Handle Bar Grip
Puppeteer grip for your gimbals handle bar
Unser Angebot richtet sich an gewerbliche Kunden, Selbständige und Freiberufler. Alle Preise sind Nettopreise, zzgl. der bei Rechnungsstellung geltende gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuersatz. Alle Angaben und Preise sind freibleibend und können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert, entfernt oder ergänzt werden.
Our services are exclusively offered to commercial customers and not to private individuals. All prices are net prices plus value-added tax. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification. Errors and changes excepted.