The HighQuality-Version of the Clapperboard meets perfectly the demands of a professional filmproduction.
The HighQuality-Version of the Clapperboard, meets perfectly the demands of a professional filmproduction.
The Economy-Version of the Clapperboard with the classical layout; despite the reasonable price, this is a top-quality slate and manufactured for long-life operation.
The Camera Slate b/w "LaBelle" has an alternative layout similar to the Panavision slates. It is a top-quality slate and manufactured for long-life operation.
The Camera Slate s/w "Blank" has one acrylic plate without any engraved layout for the ultimate freedom in design. Sticks and all other features match the camera slate b/w "Eco".
With the "HQ Clear" Camera Slate it is very easy to realise custom design, to integrate produktion logos or printed names of the director or DP by putting a printed sheet between the two plates.
With the b/w "Clear" Camera Slate it is very easy to realise custom design, to integrate produktion logos or printed names of the director or DP.
The HalfSize-Version of the Clapperboard, for detail shots, fits in every assistents bag.
The HalfSize-Version of the Clapperboard same version, just with black and white stripes.
Insert slate without sticks for MOS detail shots.
Metadata slate without sticks for any metadata.
Perfect pen for your slate, with integrated eraser
Perfect pen for your slate, with integrated eraser
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