45-165mm T2.3/T3
68-250mm T3.5-4.5
The new EZ-3 increase the possibilities of cinematographers looking for the best value for money to treat their Full Frame or S35 camera, thanks to its longer range and specifications.
The EZ-3 lens is the new Tele-lens addition to the versatile, future proof Angénieux EZ series. Based on the same philosophy as EZ-1 and EZ-2, the EZ-3 is a compact and affordable cinestyle zoom lens. It also includes improvements such as a quick IRO Technology® mechanism and dual focus scales (feet-meters).
Originally designed for independent filmmakers and productions (short films, documentaries, music videos, corporate) Angénieux EZ zooms have enjoyed success with cine rental houses and professional cinematographers too.
Using Angénieux’s IRO (Interchangeable Rear Optics) Technology, the EZ series features dedicated rear optical groups customized for both S35 and Full Frame sensors, and provide interchangeable PL, RF, EF & E mount compatibility on demand. Their S35/FF modularity and flexibility makes them the preferred lens choice of all levels of filmmaking.
Euro 18.300,00 (zzgl. MwSt./ex VAT)
45-135mm / T3
30-90mm / T2
The Angénieux Type EZ 1 for FF/VistaVision and S35 format is a standard zoom lens with a zoom factor of 3x. Its focal range and aperture are set to 45-135mm F2.8/T3 for the FF/VV covering an image circle up to 46mm diagonal and 30-90mm F1.9/T2 for the S35 covering an image up to 30mm. By exchanging the rear lens group, the lens can be switched from FF/VV to S35 and from S35 to FF/VV
EZ-1 Pack (S35 & FF)
Angenieux Type EZ-1 PL 30-90mm F1.9/T2, 3x Zoom Factor incl. optical FF Rear Mount 45-135mm F2.8/T3
Euro 13.400,00 (zzgl. MwSt./ex VAT)
22-60mm / T3
15-40mm / T2
The Angénieux Type EZ-2 for FF/VistaVision and S35 format is a wide zoom lens with a zoom factor of 2.7x. Its focal range and aperture are set to 22-60mm F2.8/T3 for the FF/VV covering an image up to 46 mm and 15-40mm F1.9/T2 for the S35 covering an image up to 30mm. By exchanging the rear lens group, the lens can be switched from FF/VV to S35 and from S35 to FF/VV
EZ-2 Pack (S35 & FF)
Angenieux Type EZ-2 PL, 15-40mm F1.9/T2, 2.7x Zoom, incl. optical FF Rear Mount 22-60mm F2.8/T3
Euro 13.400,00 (zzgl. MwSt./ex VAT)
Cooke Metadata : External connector for metadata transfer to an external drive or a display unit
Zoom ratio: 2.7X
Euro 42.900,00 (zzgl. MwSt./ex VAT)
A new generation of standard compact spherical zoom lens
Cooke Metadata : External connector for metadata transfer to an external drive or a display unit
Euro 42.900,00 (zzgl. MwSt./ex VAT)
Optimo Ultra 12x S35
Optimo Ultra 12x U35
Two packages available:
Optimo Ultra 12x FF Only
Optimo Ultra 12x Full Package (S35 + U35 + FF rears)
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Our services are exclusively offered to commercial customers and not to private individuals. All prices are net prices plus value-added tax. All specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notification. Errors and changes excepted.